Advancing knowledge in chronic liver disease through evidence-based research.
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Showing 10 of 272 papers

Ammonia and beyond – Biomarkers of hepatic encephalopathy

Gallego JJ, Ballester MP, Fiorillo A, Casanova-Ferrer F, López-Gramaje A, Urios A, Arenas YM, Ríos MP, Durbán L, Megías J, San-Miguel T, Benlloch S, Lluch P, Jalan R, Montoliu C.

Metab Brain Dis. 2025, 40(1): 100

DOI: 10.1007/s11011-024-01512-7

Albumin reprograms the B cell transcriptional landscape and improves neutrophil antimicrobial function in patients with decompensated cirrhosis

Clària J, Aguilar F, Lozano JJ, Jiménez Gracia L, Nieto JC, Romero-Grimaldo B, Marcos-Fa X, Giarracco E, Weiss E, Trebicka J, Hernàndez I, Fernández J, Casulleras M, López-Vicario C, Muldur S, Hopke A, Vlagea A, Aransay AM, Marchese D, Bernardi M, Jalan R, Angeli P, Magri G, Cerutti A, Irimia D, Heyn H, Arroyo V, Moreau R.

JHEP Reports, 6(11): 101184

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2024.101184

Hepatocellular cancer surveillance in patients with advanced chronic liver disease

Gu W, de Lédinghen V, Aubé C, Krag A, Strassburg C, Castéra L, Dumortier J, Friedrich-Rust M, Pol S, Grgurevic I, Zeleke Y, Praktiknjo M, Schierwagen R, Klein S, Francque S, Gottfriedová H, Sporea I, Schindler P, Rennebaum F, Brol MJ, Schulz M, Uschner FE, Fischer J, Margini C, Wang W, Delamarre A, Best J, Canbay A, Bauer DJM, Simbrunner B, Semmler G, Reiberger T, Boursier J, Rasmussen DN, Vilgrain V, Guibal A, Zeuzem S, Vassord C, Vonghia L, Šenkeříková R, Popescu A, Berzigotti A, Laleman W, Thiele M, Jansen C, Trebicka J.

NEJM Evid 2024,3(11): EVIDoa2400062

DOI: 10.1056/EVIDoa2400062

Decompensated MASH-cirrhosis model by acute and toxic effects of phenobarbital

Kraus N, Uschner FE, Moeslein M, Schierwagen R, Gu W, Brol MJ, Fürst E, Grünewald I, Lotersztajn S, Rautou PE, Duran-Güell M, Flores Costa R, Clària J, Trebicka J, Klein S; DECISION.

Cells 2024, 13(20): 1707

DOI: 10.3390/cells13201707

State of the art and the future of microbiome-based biomarkers: A multidisciplinary Delphi consensus

Rodriguez J, Hassani Z, Alves Costa Silva C, Betsou F, Carraturo F, Fasano A, Israelsen M, Iyappan A, Krag A, Metwaly A, Schierwagen R, Trebicka J, Zwart H, Doré J, Cordaillat-Simmons M, Druart C.

Lancet Microbe 2024: 100948

DOI: 10.1016/j.lanmic.2024.07.011

Bridging the critically ill patient with acute to chronic liver failure to liver transplantation

Fernández J, Blasi A, Hidalgo E, Karvellas CJ.

Am J Transplant 2024, 24(8): 1348–1361

DOI: 10.1016/j.ajt.2024.03.026

Palmitoylcarnitine impairs immunity in decompensated cirrhosis

Zhang IW, Sánchez-Rodríguez MB, López-Vicario C, Casulleras M, Duran-Güell M, Flores-Costa R, Aguilar F, Rothe M, Segalés P, García-Ruiz C, Fernández-Checa JC, Trebicka J, Arroyo V, Clària J.

JHEP Rep, 6(11): 101187

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2024.101187

A robust clustering strategy for stratification unveils unique patient subgroups in acutely decompensated cirrhosis

Palomino-Echeverria S, Huergo E, Ortega-Legarreta A, Uson Raposo EM, Aguilar F, Peña-Ramirez C, López-Vicario C, Alessandria C, Laleman W, Queiroz Farias A, Moreau R, Fernandez J, Arroyo V, Caraceni P, Lagani V, Sánchez-Garrido C, Clària J, Tegner J, Trebicka J, Kiani NA, Planell N, Rautou PE, Gomez-Cabrero D.

J Transl Med 2024, 22(1): 599

DOI: 10.1186/s12967-024-05386-2

Acute liver failure: A practical update

Fernández J, Bassegoda O, Toapanta D, Bernal W.

JHEP Rep 2024, 6(9): 101131

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2024.101131

Distinct immunometabolic signatures in circulating immune cells define disease outcome in acute-on-chronic liver failure

Feio-Azevedo R, Boesch M, Radenkovic S, van Melkebeke L, Smets L, Wallays M, Boeckx B, Philips G, Prata de Oliveira J, Ghorbani M, Laleman W, Meersseman P, Wilmer A, Cassiman D, van Malenstein H, Triantafyllou E, Sánchez C, Aguilar F, Nevens F, Verbeek J, Moreau R, Arroyo V, Denadai Souza A, Clària J, Lambrechts D, Ghesquière B, Korf H, van der Merwe S.

Hepatology 2024

DOI: 0.1097/HEP.0000000000000907