Our history
More than a decade at the forefront of chronic liver disease research improving lives.
Registration of Albimmune S.L.

We partnered with Grifols to further expand our research on albumin for therapeutic applications


We launch the DISCOVERY study to assess the effect of human albumin on B cell function in acute decompensated cirrhosis.


We launch the COBALT study to find out if SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have a protective effect in chronic liver disease and after liver transplantation. Two centers, AAST Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital (Italy) and Hannover Medical School (Germany) run the study in a pediatric population.


With the EU-funded A-TANGO project, we aim to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a novel combinatorial treatment with the potential to improve the clinical outcomes of patients with alcohol-related liver disease.

A Special Issue of Journal of Hepatology discusses current and future directions for the management of chronic liver disease

Researchers of the EASL-CLIF Consortium with other experts in the field, review current knowledge of cirrhosis and its complications and discuss the implications for the development of novel biomarkers, devices and drugs to improve treatment for patients with acute decompensation of cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure.


We launch the CHANCE study to assess the benefit of liver transplantation for patients with ACLF 2–3.


With the EU-funded DECISION project, we are exploring the potential of novel combinatorial therapies to prevent the high mortality rate associated with chronic liver disease.


With the EU-funded MICROB-PREDICT project, we are investigating the interplay between gut and liver to enable accurate stratification of patients with chronic liver disease and pave the way for personalize therapies.

Albumin as a drug
In the recent years, EF CLIF has contributed to provide evidence of the benefits of long-term administration of albumin to patients with cirrhosis in preventing its complications and increasing survival. Ongoing and future studies conducted under the umbrella of the Grifols Chair will shed light on the mechanisms of action of albumin and its therapeutic potential, promisingly implicating its use for precision medicine.
2018 2021

The ACLARA study is the first investigation developed by EF CLIF in Latin America with the aim to gain a broader global perspective on ACLF epidemiology and pathophysiology. This effort has been facilitated greatly through the establishment of the ACLARA Consortium, which includes a network of 51 hospitals in 7 countries.

2018 2020
A new paradigm of acute decompensation of cirrhosis

Results from the PREDICT study have allowed to identify four patterns of acute decompensation of cirrhosis in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis (i.e., stable decompensated cirrhosis, unstable decompensated cirrhosis, pre-ACLF and ACLF) and further defining ACLF based on the number of organ/systems failures. Collaborative research efforts have led to the hypothesis that systemic inflammation is the principal mechanism of acute decompensation of cirrhosis and ACLF.

2015 2020

In March 2017, EF CLIF started the PREDICT study, a new observational study conducted in 44 European centers that looked at 1273 patients hospitalized with acute decompensation of cirrhosis in the critical period prior to ACLF development aimed to identify the precipitating events of ACLF and further understand the mechanisms of ACLF progression.

2017 2018
Establishment of the European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure

In 2015, the European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure (EF CLIF) is established as a non-profit, independent legal entity and registered under no. 2908 in the Register of Foundations of the Government of Catalonia.

From this moment on, the Foundation provides the legal and institutional framework for the clinical research activities conducted by the EASL-CLIF Consortium under the umbrella of the EASL Chair, and supports the newly constituted Grifols Chair in the promotion of translational research in chronic liver failure with Grifols increasing unrestricted funding to €1.5 M per year.

CANONIC – First multicenter investigation of the EASL-CLIF Consortium

The CANONIC study, a prospective observational study in 1349 patients with decompensated cirrhosis admitted to 29 European hospitals, aimed to characterize a syndrome that later would be referred to as acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). The first patient was included in January 2011 and data collection completed in less than one year. Main results from the CANONIC study were published in Gastroenterology in 2013.

The CANONIC study has allowed for a comprehensive assessment of the epidemiology, natural history, diagnostic criteria, clinical course, prognosis, prevention and treatment of ACLF, and represents a solid base for future investigations. Up to date, 52 articles derived from the CANONIC study have been published.

2011 2013
Provision of legal and financial support

In 2009, representatives of Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica and Grifols together with the Chairperson of the EASL-CLIF Consortium Steering Committee, signed an agreement by which Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica would provide legal support to the EASL-CLIF Consortium and Grifols would grant an unrestricted fund of €3.5 M for a period of 5 years.

Endorsement by the European Association for the Study of the Liver
In 2008, the CLIF Consortium presented a formal proposal to the governing board of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) in seeking its support. In January 2009, 19 active members of EASL signed a petition for EASL to provide academic support to the CLIF Consortium to pursuit its purpose. One month later, EASL endorsed the consortium with the official name “EASL-CLIF Consortium”.
2008 2009
Our foundations

Our current strategy builds on the will of a group of hepatologists to support research in the field of chronic liver disease. Back in 2006, standard medical treatment for patients with cirrhosis lacked any integrative approach to understand and manage the disease. The CLIF Consortium was then established as the major collaborative research effort that have ever existed in Europe aimed at understanding the mechanisms that lead to chronic liver failure.