Our strategy
Shaping the future of chronic liver disease together.

Who we are

The European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure is a private non-profit organization connecting biomedical researchers and healthcare professionals with each other, with patients and patient associations, and with society.

The European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure’s fundamental purpose, reflected in its founding Statements of 2015, is to advance knowledge and promote research and education in liver disease to improve the prognosis of patients living with chronic liver failure.

What we do

The Foundation has three roles that are key to performing its purpose:

European fellowship

As a fellowship of dedicated researchers and healthcare professionals across Europe, the Foundation recognizes clinical research excellence and every year nominates new members of the EASL-CLIF Consortium to contribute to advancing knowledge on the pathophysiology, diagnostics, and treatment of cirrhosis.

International academy

Through its global network, the Foundation fosters collaboration among international partners in conducting multicenter studies to further our understanding of liver function and disease, advise policymakers on new standards and protocols for the provision of critical care, and ultimately improve survival and the quality of life of patients with cirrhosis.

Knowledge transfer and innovation

As a knowledge provider, the Foundation facilitates the exchange of ideas across disciplines and geographical borders. We enable open collaboration to address global unmet needs for patients with cirrhosis. We are inspired to develop advanced diagnostic, prognostic and predictive tools for acute-on-chronic liver failure progression in patients with cirrhosis. We promote and conduct clinical studies to evaluate the efficacy and safety of novel therapeutic approaches that will ultimately improve survival and quality of life of patients with cirrhosis.

Our vision

The Europen Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure’s vision
is to improve survival and quality of life of patients with chronic liver disease.

Our values

We put patients at the heart of what we do

We work for the benefit of society at large

We combine scientific expertise and research excellence

We openly communicate and share our knowledge, expertise and resources in a selfless manner

We are determined to become a global reference for the study of chronic liver failure

We accept all challenges that come our way in our pursuit of purpose and embrace them with passion

Why the study of chronic liver failure matters

Chronic liver failure occurs in patients with cirrhosis and accounts for more than 1.32 million deaths worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that 6% of the European population (approximately 29 million people) suffer from chronic liver disease being the fifth most common cause of death. Excluding liver cancer and alcohol-related liver disease, this means that more than 70,000 Europeans die from chronic liver failure every year. In Europe, the medical expenditure involved in the treatment and ongoing management of patients with chronic liver disease is estimated to cost between <€200 and >€3000 per patient per month, with direct costs including hospitalization and treatment. In addition, the indirect costs for patients with chronic liver disease and family caregivers represent an important loss of work productivity and reduction in health-related quality of life. Because cirrhosis is a progressive disease, efficient treatment and management of patients with chronic liver disease are essential to improve patients’ survival rates and reduce the socioeconomic impact of the disease.

It is remarkable to note that there have been no new, disease-modifying approaches to the treatment of chronic liver failure. Liver transplantation is the one treatment that has shown promise in improving patient survival by restoring essential functions where no alternative treatment of comparable effectiveness exists even for patients with severe acute-on-chronic liver failure.

The global shortage of organs for transplantation is recognized as a major challenge for public health, and the World Health Organization estimates that less than 10% of the global organ transplantation need is met. The liver is the second most commonly transplanted solid organ, and a system for organ allocation that ensures equitable distribution continues to be an unmet medical need for patients with cirrhosis, and particularly those who progress into acute-on-chronic liver failure. Importantly, precipitating events associated with short-term mortality among acute-on-chronic liver failure patients are not reflected in the conventional prognostic models for organ allocation falling short in prioritizing most severe patients with decompensated cirrhosis for liver transplantation.

The alarming increase in obesity rates, alcohol consumption, and an aging population mean that liver disease will become an even greater global health concern over the next decade. Experts agree that the major causes of liver disease (i.e., alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and viral hepatitis) are amenable to prevention and treatment providing an opportunity to reduce the burden of liver disease and save lives. There is an urgent need to engage with policymakers and health authorities to invest in preventive actions and surveillance as regards chronic liver disease.

The European Foundation for the Study of Chornic Liver Failure is focused on supporting and engaging with all types of stakeholders whether they are working to advance fundamental knowledge, improve treatment, develop new technologies or contribute to guideline implementation for better health of patients with chronic liver disease.