AbstractsPublication policy


Showing 10 of 41 abstracts

Typical triggers of multiorgan dysfunction in ACLF

Fernández J.

Intensive care in hepatology 2024: Advances and best practices, Endresprojects, 6 September 2024, Bern, Switzerland.

Design and status of PRECIOSA

Fernández J.

Special session on liver cirrhosis and ascites, China Liver Health (CLH), 25 August 2024, this event was held online.

Novel insights into the role of lipid mediators in chronic liver disease

Clària, J.

9th European Workshop on Lipid Mediators (9EWLM), 27 June 2024, Edinburgh, UK.

ACLF 3: How to reach a consensus?

Fernández J.

ELITA Summit 2024, European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT), 18 April 2024, Madrid, Spain.

Acute-on-chronic liver failure

Fernández J.

Ultrasound in Critical Care and Anesthesiology Research (UCARE) Group – University of Pisa, 18 January 2024, Pisa, Italy.

Cirrhosis as an immune deficiency state: Opportunities for translational research

Moreau, R.

The Liver Meeting® 2023, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 10 November 2023, Boston, MA, USA.

Maneig dels principals esdeveniments precipitants: Hepatitis alcohòlica greu i altres precipitants

Fernández J.

II Jornada d'actualització en el maneig de la patologia digestiva crítica: Actualització del maneig de l'acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), Societat Catalana de Medicina Intensiva i Crítica (SOCMIC), 9 November 2023, Barcelona, Spain.

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

Fernández, J.

UEG week, United European Gastroenterology (UEG), 17 October 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.

ACLF and hepatic decompensation: Focus on inflammation and clinical trajectories

Fernández, J.

UEG week, United European Gastroenterology (UEG), 15 October 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.

APACHE study design to evaluate the efficacy and safety of plasma exchange with human serum albumin 5% on short-term survival in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure at high risk of hospital mortality

Pyrsopoulos N, Perricone G, Bajaj JS, Gustot T, Reiberger T, Torres M, Nelson P, Fernández J; APACHE Study Investigators.

In Book of Abstracts: XXVIII Congreso ALEH 2023, Asociación Latinoamericana para el Estudio del Hígado (ALEH), 29 August–1 September 2023, Bogotá, Colombia.