AbstractsPublication policy

Publication policy

Publishing using EF CLIF data or samples

If you are in the process of writing a manuscript to be considered for publication in a scholarly journal for which you have used EF CLIF data or carried out further processing and analysis of samples, please refer to the EF CLIF Publication Policy.

We will need to review the draft of your manuscript prior to submission to confirm that the proper cknowledgements are in place.

How to acknowledge us in your publication:

This research was made possible through access to data and/or samples generated by the [acronym] study promoted and funded by the European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure (EF CLIF), a private, non-
profit organization receiving unrestricted grants from Grifols and Fundació Privada Cellex. EF CLIF stores and manages collections of data and samples from patients recruited in multicenter, large-scale clinical studies as part of their participation in research.

Request publication review

Email: Send us an email

Pos ter and oral presentations at a conference based upon accepted abstracts need to adhere to the EF CLIF Publication Policy and should be sent out to EF CLIF for review prior to submission at least two weeks before the submission deadline.

How to acknowledge us in your abstract and presentation:

This research was made possible through access to data and/or samples managed by the European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure (EF CLIF).

Request abstract review

Email: Send us an email