Advancing knowledge in chronic liver disease through evidence-based research.
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Showing 10 of 147 papers

The cost-effectiveness of albumin in the treatment of decompensated cirrhosis in Germany, Italy, and Spain

Runken MC, Caraceni P, Fernandez J, Zipprich A, Carlton R, Bunke M.

Health Econ Rev 2019, 9(1): 22

DOI: 10.1186/s13561-019-0237-7

Effects of albumin treatment on systemic and portal hemodynamics and systemic inflammation in patients with decompensated cirrhosis

Fernández J, Clària J, Amorós A, Aguilar F, Castro M, Casulleras M, Acevedo J, Duran-Güell M, Nuñez L, Costa M, Torres M, Horrillo R, Ruiz-Del-Árbol L, Villanueva C, Prado V, Arteaga M, Trebicka J, Angeli P, Merli M, Alessandria C, Aagaard NK, Soriano G, Durand F, Gerbes A, Gustot T, Welzel TM, Salerno F, Bañares R, Vargas V, Albillos A, Silva A, Morales-Ruiz M, Carlos García-Pagán J, Pavesi M, Jalan R, Bernardi M, Moreau R, Páez A, Arroyo V.

Gastroenterology 2019, 157(1): 149–162

DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2019.03.021

Leukocytes from obese individuals exhibit an impaired SPM signature

López-Vicario C, Titos E, Walker ME, Alcaraz-Quiles J, Casulleras M, Durán-Güell M, Flores-Costa R, Pérez-Romero N, Forné M, Dalli J, Clària J.

FASEB J 2019, 33(6): 7072–7083

DOI: 10.1096/fj.201802587R

Potential value of urinary amatoxin quantification in patients with hepatotoxic mushroom poisoning

Escoda O, Reverter E, To-Figueras J, Casals G, Fernández J, Nogué S.

Liver Int 2019, 39(6): 1128–1135

DOI: 10.1111/liv.14028

Adverse events and acute chronic liver failure in patients with cirrhosis undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: A multicenter matched-cohort study

Leal C, Prado V, Colan J, Chavez-Rivera K, Sendino O, Blasi A, Roura P, Juanola A, Rodriguez de Miguel C, Pavesi M, Gomez C, Guarner C, Guarner-Argente C, Fernández J, Cardenas A.

Am J Gastroenterol 2019, 114(1): 89–97

DOI: 10.1038/s41395-018-0218-1

Collagen type IV remodelling gender-specifically predicts mortality in decompensated cirrhosis

Lehmann J, Praktiknjo M, Nielsen MJ, Schierwagen R, Meyer C, Thomas D, Violi F, Strassburg CP, Bendtsen F, Møller S, Krag A, Karsdal MA, Leeming DJ, Trebicka J.

Liver Int 2019, 39(5): 885–893

DOI: 10.1111/liv.14070

Epidemiology and effects of bacterial infections in patients with cirrhosis worldwide

Piano S, Singh V, Caraceni P, Maiwall R, Alessandria C, Fernandez J, Soares EC, Kim DJ, Kim SE, Marino M, Vorobioff J, Barea RCR, Merli M, Elkrief L, Vargas V, Krag A, Singh SP, Lesmana LA, Toledo C, Marciano S, Verhelst X, Wong F, Intagliata N, Rabinowich L, Colombato L, Kim SG, Gerbes A, Durand F, Roblero JP, Bhamidimarri KR, Boyer TD, Maevskaya M, Fassio E, Kim HS, Hwang JS, Gines P, Gadano A, Sarin SK, Angeli P; International Club of Ascites Global Study Group.

Gastroenterology 2019, 156(5): 1368–1380

DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.12.005

Orchestration of tryptophan-kynurenine pathway, acute decompensation, and acute-on-chronic liver failure in cirrhosis

Clària J, Moreau R, Fenaille F, Amorós A, Junot C, Gronbaek H, Coenraad MJ, Pruvost A, Ghettas A, Chu-Van E, López-Vicario C, Oettl K, Caraceni P, Alessandria C, Trebicka J, Pavesi M, Deulofeu C, Albillos A, Gustot T, Welzel TM, Fernández J, Stauber RE, Saliba F, Butin N, Colsch B, Moreno C, Durand F, Nevens F, Bañares R, Benten D, Ginès P, Gerbes A, Jalan R, Angeli P, Bernardi M, Arroyo V; CANONIC Study Investigators of the EASL Clif Consortium, Grifols Chair and the European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure (EF Clif).

Hepatology 2019, 69(4): 1686–1701

DOI: 10.1002/hep.30363

Prevalence and short-term mortality of acute-on-chronic liver failure: A national cohort study from the USA

Hernaez R, Kramer JR, Liu Y, Tansel A, Natarajan Y, Hussain KB, Ginès P, Solà E, Moreau R, Gerbes A, El-Serag HB, Kanwal F.

J Hepatol 2019, 70(4): 639–647

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2018.12.018

Activation of the alternate renin-angiotensin system correlates with the clinical status in human cirrhosis and corrects post liver transplantation

Casey S, Schierwagen R, Mak KY, Klein S, Uschner F, Jansen C, Praktiknjo M, Meyer C, Thomas D, Herath C, Jones R, Trebicka J, Angus P.

J Clin Med 2019, 8(4): 419

DOI: 10.3390/jcm8040419