Advancing knowledge in chronic liver disease through evidence-based research.
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Showing 10 of 147 papers

Severe abnormal heart rate turbulence onset is associated with deterioration of liver cirrhosis

Jansen C, Al-Kassou B, Lehmann J, Pohlmann A, Chang J, Praktiknjo M, Nickenig G, Strassburg CP, Schrickel JW, Andrié R, Linhart M, Trebicka J.

PLoS One 2018, 13(4): e0195631

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0195631

Return-to-health effect of modern combined antiretroviral therapy potentially predisposes HIV patients to hepatic steatosis

Mohr R, Boesecke C, Dold L, Schierwagen R, Schwarze-Zander C, Wasmuth JC, Weisensee I, Rockstroh JK, Trebicka J.

Medicine 2018, 97(17): e0462

DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000010462

Cell death markers in patients with cirrhosis and acute decompensation

Macdonald S, Andreola F, Bachtiger P, Amoros A, Pavesi M, Mookerjee R, Zheng YB, Gronbaek H, Gerbes AL, Sola E, Caraceni P, Moreau R, Gines P, Arroyo V, Jalan R.

Hepatology 2018, 67(3): 989–1002

DOI: 10.1002/hep.29581

Evolution of nodule stiffness might predict response to local ablative therapy: A series of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Praktiknjo M, Krabbe V, Pohlmann A, Sampels M, Jansen C, Meyer C, Strassburg CP, Trebicka J, Gonzalez Carmona MA.

PLoS One 2018, 13(2): e0192897

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192897

Acute decompensation boosts hepatic collagen type III deposition and deteriorates experimental and human cirrhosis

Praktiknjo M, Lehmann J, Nielsen MJ, Schierwagen R, Uschner FE, Meyer C, Thomas D, Strassburg CP, Bendtsen F, Møller S, Krag A, Karsdal MA, Leeming DJ, Trebicka J

Hepatol Commun 2018, 2(2): 211–222

DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1135

Exposure to previous cART is associated with significant liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients

Anadol E, Lust K, Boesecke C, Schwarze-Zander C, Mohr R, Wasmuth JC, Rockstroh JK, Trebicka J.

PLoS One 2018, 13(1): e0191118

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191118

Assessment of biopsy-proven liver fibrosis by two-dimensional shear wave elastography: An individual patient data-based meta-analysis

Herrmann E, de Lédinghen V, Cassinotto C, Chu WC, Leung VY, Ferraioli G, Filice C, Castera L, Vilgrain V, Ronot M, Dumortier J, Guibal A, Pol S, Trebicka J, Jansen C, Strassburg C, Zheng R, Zheng J, Francque S, Vanwolleghem T, Vonghia L, Manesis EK, Zoumpoulis P, Sporea I, Thiele M, Krag A, Cohen-Bacrie C, Criton A, Gay J, Deffieux T, Friedrich-Rust M.

Hepatology 2018, 67(1): 260–272

DOI: 10.1002/hep.29179

Chronic lower-dose relaxin administration protects from arrhythmia in experimental myocardial infarction due to anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic properties

Beiert T, Knappe V, Tiyerili V, Stöckigt F, Effelsberg V, Linhart M, Steinmetz M, Klein S, Schierwagen R, Trebicka J, Roell W, Nickenig G, Schrickel JW, Andrié RP

Int J Cardiol 2018, 250: 21–28

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.09.017

Portal vein thrombosis in patients with cirrhosis

von Köckritz L, De Gottardi A, Trebicka J, Praktiknjo M.

Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf) 2017, 5(2): 148–156

DOI: 10.1093/gastro/gox014

Polymorphisms in the IL-1 gene cluster influence systemic inflammation in patients at risk for acute-on-chronic liver failure

Alcaraz-Quiles J, Titos E, Casulleras M, Pavesi M, López-Vicario C, Rius B, Lopategi A, de Gottardi A, Graziadei I, Gronbaek H, Ginès P, Bernardi M, Arroyo V, Clària J.

Hepatology 2017, 65(1): 202–216

DOI: 10.1002/hep.28896