Advancing knowledge in chronic liver disease through evidence-based research.
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Showing 10 of 274 papers

Acute decompensation boosts hepatic collagen type III deposition and deteriorates experimental and human cirrhosis

Praktiknjo M, Lehmann J, Nielsen MJ, Schierwagen R, Uschner FE, Meyer C, Thomas D, Strassburg CP, Bendtsen F, Møller S, Krag A, Karsdal MA, Leeming DJ, Trebicka J

Hepatol Commun 2018, 2(2): 211–222

DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1135

Exposure to previous cART is associated with significant liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients

Anadol E, Lust K, Boesecke C, Schwarze-Zander C, Mohr R, Wasmuth JC, Rockstroh JK, Trebicka J.

PLoS One 2018, 13(1): e0191118

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191118

Assessment of biopsy-proven liver fibrosis by two-dimensional shear wave elastography: An individual patient data-based meta-analysis

Herrmann E, de Lédinghen V, Cassinotto C, Chu WC, Leung VY, Ferraioli G, Filice C, Castera L, Vilgrain V, Ronot M, Dumortier J, Guibal A, Pol S, Trebicka J, Jansen C, Strassburg C, Zheng R, Zheng J, Francque S, Vanwolleghem T, Vonghia L, Manesis EK, Zoumpoulis P, Sporea I, Thiele M, Krag A, Cohen-Bacrie C, Criton A, Gay J, Deffieux T, Friedrich-Rust M.

Hepatology 2018, 67(1): 260–272

DOI: 10.1002/hep.29179

Chronic lower-dose relaxin administration protects from arrhythmia in experimental myocardial infarction due to anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic properties

Beiert T, Knappe V, Tiyerili V, Stöckigt F, Effelsberg V, Linhart M, Steinmetz M, Klein S, Schierwagen R, Trebicka J, Roell W, Nickenig G, Schrickel JW, Andrié RP

Int J Cardiol 2018, 250: 21–28

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.09.017

Copeptin in acute decompensation of liver cirrhosis: Relationship with acute-on-chronic liver failure and short-term survival

Kerbert AJC, Verspaget HW, Navarro ÀA, Jalan R, Solà E, Benten D, Durand F, Ginès P, van der Reijden JJ, van Hoek B, Coenraad MJ; CANONIC Study Investigators of the EASL-CLIF Consortium.

Crit Care 2017, 21(1):321

DOI: 10.1186/s13054-017-1894-8

Pro-resolving actions of SPM in adipose tissue biology

Clària J, López-Vicario C, Rius B, Titos E.

Mol Aspects Med 2017, 58: 83–92

DOI: 10.1016/j.mam.2017.03.004

Mouse and rat models of induction of hepatic fibrosis and assessment of portal hypertension

Klein S, Schierwagen R, Uschner FE, Trebicka J.

Methods Mol Biol 2017, 1627: 91–116. In Fibrosis: Methods and Protocols. Rittié L, Ed. Springer Protocols, Humana New York, NY, 22 August 2027.

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7113-8_7

Sepsis in alcohol-related liver disease

Gustot T, Fernandez J, Szabo G, Albillos A, Louvet A, Jalan R, Moreau R, Moreno C.

J Hepatol 2017, 67(5): 1031–1050

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2017.06.013

Selected patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure grade 3 are not too sick to be considered for liver transplantation

Gustot T, Agarwal B.

J Hepatol 2017, 67(4): 667–668

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2017.07.017

Molecular adsorbent recirculating system can reduce short-term mortality among patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure — A retrospective analysis

Gerth HU, Pohlen M, Thölking G, Pavenstädt H, Brand M, Hüsing-Kabar A, Wilms C, Maschmeier M, Kabar I, Torner J, Pavesi M, Arroyo V, Banares R, Schmidt HHJ.

Crit Care Med 2017, 45(10): 1616—1624

DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000002562