Advancing knowledge in chronic liver disease through evidence-based research.
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Showing 10 of 269 papers

Impact of COVID-19 on the liver and on the care of patients with chronic liver disease, hepatobiliary cancer, and liver transplantation: An updated EASL position paper

Marjot T, Eberhardt CS, Boettler T, Belli LS, Berenguer M, Buti M, Jalan R, Mondelli MU, Moreau R, Shouval D, Berg T, Cornberg M.

J Hepatol 2022, 77(4): 1161–1197

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2022.07.008

Location and allocation: Inequity of access to liver transplantation for patients with severe acute-on-chronic liver failure in Europe

Artzner T, Bernal W, Belli LS, Conti S, Cortesi PA, Sacleux SC, Pageaux GP, Radenne S, Trebicka J, Fernandez J, Perricone G, Piano S, Nadalin S, Morelli MC, Martini S, Polak WG, Zieniewicz K, Toso C, Berenguer M, Iegri C, Invernizzi F, Volpes R, Karam V, Adam R, Faitot F, Rabinowich L, Saliba F, Meunier L, Lesurtel M, Uschner FE, Michard B, Coilly A, Meszaros M, Poinsot D, Besch C, Schnitzbauer A, De Carlis LG, Fumagalli R, Angeli P, Arroyo V, Fondevila C, Duvoux C, Jalan R, Belli LS, Perricone G, Viganò R, Mazzarelli C, De Carlis LG, Lauterio A, Giacomoni A, Invernizzi F, Donato F, Lampertico P, Iegri C, Pasulo L, Fagiuoli S, Colledan M, Morelli MC, Vitale G, Martini S, Ottobrelli A, Patrono D, Romagnoli R, Volpes R, Petridis I, Piano S, Angeli P, Cillo U, Germani G, Burra P, Bachellier P, Schneider F, Castelain V, Addeo P, Deridder M, Coilly SCSA, Faouzi S, Adam R, Samuel D, Duvoux C, Radenne S, Lesurtel M, Poinsot D, Guichon C, Pageaux GP, Faure S, Meszaros M, Meunier L, Ursic-Bedoya J, Fondevila C, Colmenero J, Toapanta D, Hernández-Tejero M, Berenguer M, Vinaixa C, Polak WG, den Hoed C, de Haan JE, Nadalin S, Penna AD, et al.

Liver Transpl 2022, 28(9): 1429–1440

DOI: 10.1002/lt.26499

Alcohol and acute-on-chronic liver failure

Ballester MP, Sittner R, Jalan R.

J Clin Exp Hepatol 2022, 12(5): 1360–1370

DOI: 10.1016/j.jceh.2021.12.010

A new model for identification of HBV-related pre-ACLF

Jalan R, Sundaram V.

JHEP Rep 2022, 4(10): 100554

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2022.100554

Imbalanced gut microbiota fuels hepatocellular carcinoma development by shaping the hepatic inflammatory microenvironment

Schneider KM, Mohs A, Gui W, Galvez EJC, Candels LS, Hoenicke L, Muthukumarasamy U, Holland CH, Elfers C, Kilic K, Schneider CV, Schierwagen R, Strnad P, Wirtz TH, Marschall HU, Latz E, Lelouvier B, Saez-Rodriguez J, de Vos W, Strowig T, Trebicka J, Trautwein C.

Nat Commun 2022, 13(1): 3964

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31312-5

A faecal microbiota signature with high specificity for pancreatic cancer

Kartal E, Schmidt TSB, Molina-Montes E, Rodríguez-Perales S, Wirbel J, Maistrenko OM, Akanni WA, Alashkar Alhamwe B, Alves RJ, Carrato A, Erasmus HP, Estudillo L, Finkelmeier F, Fullam A, Glazek AM, Gómez-Rubio P, Hercog R, Jung F, Kandels S, Kersting S, Langheinrich M, Márquez M, Molero X, Orakov A, Van Rossum T, Torres-Ruiz R, Telzerow A, Zych K; MAGIC Study investigators; PanGenEU Study investigators; Benes V, Zeller G, Trebicka J, Real FX, Malats N, Bork P.

Gut 2022, 71(7): 1359–1372

DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324755

Changes in the gut microbiota and risk of colonization by multidrug-resistant bacteria, infection, and death in critical care patients

Garcia ER, Vergara A, Aziz F, Narváez S, Cuesta G, Hernández M, Toapanta D, Marco F, Fernández J, Soriano A, Vila J, Casals-Pascual C.

Clin Microbiol Infect 2022, 28(7): 975–982

DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2022.01.004

Metagenomic identification of microbial signatures predicting pancreatic cancer from a multinational study

Nagata N, Nishijima S, Kojima Y, Hisada Y, Imbe K, Miyoshi-Akiyama T, Suda W, Kimura M, Aoki R, Sekine K, Ohsugi M, Miki K, Osawa T, Ueki K, Oka S, Mizokami M, Kartal E, Schmidt TSB, Molina-Montes E, Estudillo L, Malats N, Trebicka J, Kersting S, Langheinrich M, Bork P, Uemura N, Itoi T, Kawai T.

Gastroenterology 2022, 163(1): 222–238

DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2022.03.054

Hepatic encephalopathy

Häussinger D, Dhiman RK, Felipo V, Görg B, Jalan R, Kircheis G, Merli M, Montagnese S, Romero-Gomez M, Schnitzler A, Taylor-Robinson SD, Vilstrup H.

Nat Rev Dis Primers 2022, 8(1): 43

DOI: 10.1038/s41572-022-00366-6

Albumin lipidomics reveals meaningful compositional changes in advanced cirrhosis and its potential to promote inflammation resolution

Casulleras M, Flores-Costa R, Duran-Güell M, Zhang IW, López-Vicario C, Curto A, Fernández J, Arroyo V, Clària J.

Hepatol Commun 2022, 6(6): 1443–1456

DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1893