Advancing knowledge in chronic liver disease through evidence-based research.
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Showing 10 of 147 papers

Prediction of liver fibrosis severity in alcoholic liver disease by human microfibrillar-associated protein 4

Madsen BS, Thiele M, Detlefsen S, Sørensen MD, Kjaergaard M, Møller LS, Rasmussen DN, Schlosser A, Holmskov U, Trebicka J, Sorensen GL, Krag A; GALAXY consortium.

Liver Int 2020, 40(7): 1701–1712

DOI: 10.1111/liv.14491

Serum levels of bone sialoprotein correlate with portal pressure in patients with liver cirrhosis

Benz F, Bogen A, Praktiknjo M, Jansen C, Meyer C, Wree A, Demir M, Loosen S, Vucur M, Schierwagen R, Tacke F, Trebicka J, Roderburg C.

PLoS One 2020, 15(4): e0231701

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231701

Blood metabolomics uncovers inflammation-associated mitochondrial dysfunction as a potential mechanism underlying ACLF

Moreau R, Clària J, Aguilar F, Fenaille F, Lozano JJ, Junot C, Colsch B, Caraceni P, Trebicka J, Pavesi M, Alessandria C, Nevens F, Saliba F, Welzel TM, Albillos A, Gustot T, Fernández J, Moreno C, Baldassarre M, Zaccherini G, Piano S, Montagnese S, Vargas V, Genescà J, Solà E, Bernal W, Butin N, Hautbergue T, Cholet S, Castelli F, Jansen C, Steib C, Campion D, Mookerjee R, Rodríguez-Gandía M, Soriano G, Durand F, Benten D, Bañares R, Stauber RE, Gronbaek H, Coenraad MJ, Ginès P, Gerbes A, Jalan R, Bernardi M, Arroyo V, Angeli P; CANONIC Study Investigators of the EASL Clif Consortium; Grifols Chair; European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure (EF Clif).

J Hepatol 2020, 72(4): 688–701

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2019.11.009

Efficacy of albumin treatment for patients with cirrhosis and infections unrelated to spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

Fernández J, Angeli P, Trebicka J, Merli M, Gustot T, Alessandria C, Aagaard NK, de Gottardi A, Welzel TM, Gerbes A, Soriano G, Vargas V, Albillos A, Salerno F, Durand F, Bañares R, Stauber R, Prado V, Arteaga M, Hernández-Tejero M, Aziz F, Morando F, Jansen C, Lattanzi B, Moreno C, Campion D, Gronbaek H, Garcia R, Sánchez C, García E, Amorós A, Pavesi M, Clària J, Moreau R, Arroyo V.

Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020, 18(4): 963–973

DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2019.07.055

Genetic variants of innate immunity receptors are associated with mortality in cirrhotic patients with bacterial infection

Schaapman JJ, Amoros À, van der Reijden JJ, Laleman W, Zeuzem S, Bañares R, Jalan R, Arroyo V, Clària J, Verspaget HW, Coenraad MJ.

Liver Int 2020, 40(3): 646–653

DOI: 10.1111/liv.14392

The development and outcome of acute-on-chronic liver failure after surgical interventions

Klein LM, Chang J, Gu W, Manekeller S, Jansen C, Lingohr P, Praktiknjo M, Kalf JC, Schulz M, Spengler U, Strassburg C, Cárdenas A, Arroyo V, Trebicka J.

Liver Transpl 2020, 26(2): 227–237

DOI: 10.1002/lt.25675

Pathophysiological role of prostanoids in coagulation of the portal venous system in liver cirrhosis

Queck A, Thomas D, Jansen C, Schreiber Y, Rüschenbaum S, Praktiknjo M, Schwarzkopf KM, Mücke MM, Schierwagen R, Uschner FE, Meyer C, Clària J, Zeuzem S, Geisslinger G, Trebicka J, Lange CM.

PLoS One 2019, 14(10): e0222840

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222840

Meta-analysis of individual patient data of albumin dialysis in acute-on-chronic liver failure: Focus on treatment intensity

Bañares R, Ibáñez-Samaniego L, Torner JM, Pavesi M, Olmedo C, Catalina MV, Albillos A, Larsen FS, Nevens F, Hassanein T, Schmidt H, Heeman U, Jalan R, Moreau R, Arroyo V.

Therap Adv Gastroenterol 2019, 12: 1756284819879565

DOI: 10.1177/1756284819879565

Combination of CCl(4) with alcoholic and metabolic injuries mimics human liver fibrosis

Brol MJ, Rösch F, Schierwagen R, Magdaleno F, Uschner FE, Manekeller S, Queck A, Schwarzkopf K, Odenthal M, Drebber U, Thiele M, Lingohr P, Plamper A, Kristiansen G, Lotersztajn S, Krag A, Klein S, Rheinwalt KP, Trebicka J.

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2019, 317(2): G182–G194

DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.00361.2018

Circulating levels of PRO-C3 reflect liver fibrosis and liver function in HIV positive patients receiving modern cART

Dold L, Nielsen MJ, Praktiknjo M, Schwarze-Zander C, Boesecke C, Schierwagen R, Mohr R, Wasmuth JC, Jansen C, Bischoff J, Rockstroh JK, Karsdal MA, Spengler U, Trebicka J, Leeming DJ.

PLoS One 2019, 14(7): e0219526

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219526