Biomarker discovery

DECISION: Decompensated cirrhosis – Identification of new combinatorial therapies based on systems approaches

The issue

While most cirrhosis patients initially do not show symptoms, acute decompensation of cirrhosis, defined as the body’s inability to cope with the progressing dysfunctionality of the liver, leads to drastic symptoms.

The approach

The EU-funded DECISION project aims to understand the pathophysiology of decompensation of cirrhosis leading to ACLF by means of combining integrated multiomic profiling and clinical data from patient cohorts within CANONIC, PREDICT, and ACLARA. DECISION will help to identify novel combinatorial therapies to prevent high mortality for patients with decompensation of cirrhosis. The DECISION Consortium will optimize most promising combinatorial therapies in animal models during the pre-clinical stage of the study prior to conducting a phase IIb randomized controlled trial of the best combination in patients at high-risk to develop ACLF.

The DECISION project will identify a combination of existing drugs able to improve outcome of patients with acute decompensation of cirrhosis and decrease mortality at 3 months.

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This study received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 847949.